Redesigning life

3 min readMar 7, 2020

Inspired by IDEO’s thing we want to redesign

Here’s a few thoughts I’ve had on redesigning things…

  • Packaging labels
    Seriously some labels are so confusing, keep them simple, make them fun and don’t make me think about what I am buying. What’s in it, how was it made, what does it do my body, perhaps a QR code to find out more or watch a video if for example it is something that can be reused or hacked.
  • Energy and power distribution across the home and country
    I want to change my radiator or lighting and you have to unscrew everything, leak the radiator so it’s not dangerous. Plug sockets, you have to install them around the house to gain power, wouldn’t it be great if it was all wireless?
  • Student loan system
  • Network Rail ticketing system
    Buying a ticket at different times and different places, the prices are ludicrous. It’s sometimes the same price as flying to europe. I’m sure there are ways to reduce the prices of train travel. Trains will run on more energy efficient fuel, recycles the energy generated and stores this energy, but what’s the cost of our tickets going towards most. I imagine it’s
  • How MP’s get elected
    We need some kind of intelligence and psychological test before they become the leaders of our country. It’s a huge responsibility and I just don’t think the right checks are being made.
  • UK Parliament
    The current system isn’t working. Rows of seats sitting opposite each other. It encourages a gang culture. You said this, we say this. No compromise. In many other countries seats are placed in a semi circle, MPs sit where there is a free seat. This means MPs inevitably sit next to an opposition and that in tern forces them to talk which means there is more understanding between political parties. At the moment, it feels like sometimes parties are doing things their way because of their beliefs and not hearing another side of the issues.
    Let’s think of it like this: A community of 5 families live in a housing area, everyone generally has one end game… to feed their family, to be able improve their standard of living and enjoy/experiences good things. Very likely people will have different beliefs on what think is right, but it is very likely they will work together because they live in close vicinity to each. Everyone wants to feel like they living in a nice neighbourhood and their general well being is good. Government need to work like a community. There shouldn’t be political parties, it should just be those who are good at their jobs in their respective fields. All parties work together and come to a compromise on solutions. Do what is good for humans and earth, not to make a profit or out of greed.
  • Housing
    How is possible that we have a housing shortage when there is no doubt that there are thousands — maybe millions of home around the country laying empty. You have investors around the country buying up property and leaving properties empty.
  • Ticketing websites (i.e. ticketmaster)
  • Mortgages
    Why does it take 3 months to buy a house? And there is around 300 forms to fill in. Why are we still having to sign a million forms? It’s ridiculous.
  • Jail system
  • Hospitals
  • Waste disposal, collecting and recycling

Ongoing list …

